Below is a guide for installing FileSynced on your Firestick. FileSynced is a FileLinked replacement. If you already have Downloader installed the code you need to enter is 27642. If you don't just use the guide below.
* Open...
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Below is a guide for installing the Smart YouTube TV app on your Firestick. This installation uses Downloader. If you already have Downloader installed you can skip all the way past the Downloader installation guide and go straight to the...
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There are often times when you will download a file and see there is a string associated with the file called MD5.
Checking the MD5 Checksum of a file ensures the file you are downloading is not corrupted and you...
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Below is a guide for installing the Gloom build for Kodi. This is a 3rd party add-on so please do not post questions about this add-on in the official Kodi forums.
You can follow the builder on Twitter here
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