Disable Recent Items macOS Mojave Dock


If you have recently updated to macOS Mojave you may have noticed that in your Dock any apps you open will remain in the Dock. These are recent items and Apple believe it 's a good idea to add these so you can quickly launch the app again if you don't already have it in your dock.

Personally I use Alfred so my Dock is always hidden and basically empty as I don't need to use the Dock to launch apps. But for those who do use the Dock and have it with just the applications they want then perhaps this 'Recent Items' section in the dock may be a bit of an annoyance.

This feature can be in 3 easy steps

  • Open System Preferences
  • Select Dock
  • Click on the checkbox marked Show recent applications in Dock
  • Finished. Your recent items will not appear in your Dock again
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