Add Tasks to Todoist for iOS 11 with Siri

In iOS 11 you can now add tasks to the fantastic Todoist app. All you need to do is activate Siri and tell her/him/it the task and a due date and it will be added directly to the app. Only works with iOS 11+.

Also if you want to know what tasks you have planned for the day just activate Siri and say "all tasks in Todoist due today"

If you have tasks that are labelled then you can ask Siri to show you all the tasks that come under that label. So if you have anything labelled work just say "show me my work list in Todoist"

To get Siri to work with iOS 11 you must first set it up doing the following:

  • Select Settings on your iPhone/iPad home screen
  • Select Siri & Search
  • Scroll down until you see Todoist and select it
  • Select Use with Siri

Siri is now ready to interact with Todoist

Here are some of the commands you can use:

  • Add [task name] in Todoist
  • Add a task named [task name] in Todoist
  • Remind me to [task name] in Todoist
  • Add [task name] [due date and time] in Todoist
  • Add [task name] to my [project name] list in Todoist

When viewing or adding tasks with projects, you need to use the word “list” after the project name. Siri doesn't understand "project" yet.
For example:

  • Remind me to call John tomorrow at 5pm in Todoist
  • Add buy milk to my groceries list in Todoist
  • Add go for a jog in Todoist

When you add a task without a project, it will be added to your Todoist Inbox.

  • Show me all the tasks for today in Todoist
  • Show me all the tasks for the next 7 days in Todoist
  • Show me all the tasks for today between 10am and 12am in Todoist
  • Show me the shopping list in Todoist

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